what are pronoun and types

Ø  A pronoun is a word which is used in place of a noun.
There are eight kinds of pronoun:-
                                I.            Personal Pronoun:-
I, We, You, They, He, She, It.
                              II.            Interrogative Pronoun:-
What, Why, How, Where, When, Whom, Whose, How many, How much, Which, Who.
                            III.            Relative Pronoun:-
Who, Which, Whom, Whose, That.
                            IV.            Demonstrative Pronoun:-
This, That, These, Those
                              V.            Distributive Pronoun:-
Either, Neither – Only two person
Each                    - Two or more
                            VI.            Indefinite Pronoun:-
Some, Someone, somebody, No one, Nobody, Anyone, Anybody, One, None, Other, Many, All, Few.
                          VII.            Reflexive Pronoun:-
Myself, Himself, Herself, Yourself, Ourselves, Themselves.
                        VIII.            Reciprocal Pronoun:-
Each other, One another.
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